Saturday, 29 December 2012

New Year - Resolutions?

Hello there! So there are only a few days left now of 2012 and I'm sure that a lot of you are trying to decide on what your New Year's Resolutions will be - or not? 
Personally I think they're a great idea, as it is an excuse to better yourself and change some things in your life which you wish were different. But they can be very difficult to keep and trust me, I know! There have been many, many resolutions which I had made at the start of the year, and by the time Easter rolls around, they are long forgotten about. 
Usually every year I only make one resolution, and this is because if I make more than one, my effort will be divided between them which means I am more likely to give them up. So if I have any advice, it would be to stick to one resolution, and you will find it easier not to stray from your goal.
Another tip I have is don't set yourself unrealistic and vague goals like 'lose weight' or 'eat healthy'. Try to narrow it down to simpler things like 'go for a jog every second day' or 'give up fizzy drinks', I promise this will make it easier and you will keep your resolutions for longer. 
Also, you don't have to give up things as a resolution, most people give up things like chocolate or alcohol, which is such a dramatic commitment that they're not mentally ready for. Instead, take something up, like swimming or blogging - something you're interested in. Resolutions don't always have to be about giving things up.
This year, I've decided to go for a pretty unusual resolution that is pretty different to the typical ones you hear of such as 'lose a stone' or 'stop eating sweets'. I'm going to become a vegetarian.
Even just as I write that, it seems so strange that I would stop eating meats. I am a massive meat eater. All my life I have been in love with all types of meat (except pork!) and I ate a lot of it too. It runs in my family and we always had meat included in every single dinner. So people are going to be surprised when I explain what my resolution is for this year. 
Although I am calling it a New Year's Resolution, I plan on keeping it for the rest of my life (if I can). I'm sure you're wondering 'If you're such a huge fan of meat, why are you becoming a vegetarian?'. Well the simplest answer is for health reasons. I have researched into the benefits of becoming a vegetarian and personally I believe that for me it is a good choice. 
I didn't necessarily decide to adopt this eating plan for animal rights reasons. Don't get me wrong, I love animals and being a vegetarian will have benefits beyond myself, but it was mainly the health reasons that made my mind up. 
I know it is going to be VERY difficult, but I hope it will be worth it, I like to set myself challenges so this will be an interesting task I'm setting myself. I may be writing some blog posts every now and then to show you how I will be dealing with my meat cravings (ha ha!) and what meals I discover on my journeys.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Christmas Is Here!

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Christmas is by far my favorite time of the year!
 I find the atmosphere unique to any other time which makes it special and fun.
 I love looking at people's decorations in their houses so I thought I would show you some of the little Christmas details around my house this year.
We haven't had any snow yet in Ireland (where I live anyway) and since Christmas Eve is tomorrow, it isn't looking too likely (boo!). 
It is freezing here though so at least I can pretend it's snowing by wrapping up warm!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Monday, 3 December 2012

Clothing and Shoes Haul!

Hi Everyone! So this is my first clothing/shoes haul and it really isn't that big of a haul but I thought I would share with you what I picked up :)

  • The first thing I got was a cute dress from Pennys. It is navy with a cream lace collar around the neck and is perfect for winter. It also comes in a wine color that has a black collar. I picked it up for my work Christmas party where I had to look quite respectable! It definitely was a bargain for €13!
  • The next thing I picked up was a pair of black leather shorts from H&M. They're actually really comfy and flattering and the studs on either side above the pockets add a different touch. I love both leather and studs so this is a 2-in-1 fashion trend right here! They are not too expensive at €25.95 and are so worth it!
  • Next I got a pair of green tartan trousers from Pennys which people will either love or hate. I personally love them I think they're different and incorporate this winter's 90's fashion trend. I was skeptical about buying them, but once I tried them on I loved them as they're very flattering and eye catching. These trousers were only €17.
  • The final thing I got were these aaamazing pair of heels! They were from Korkys for only €49.99! I know they are pretty boring knock-offs to the Jeffrey Campbell Lita's but I'm not ready to go all out with the crazy designs just yet. They're so easy to walk in and you can wear socks with them which is ideal for Irish weather!